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Eelmaa, Can a website detect when you are using selenium with chromedriver?, 2016. Eckersley, How unique is your web browser, in International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, pp. , Support of waveform audio file format, 2019. , Support of ogg vorbis audio format, 2019. Deveria, Support of advanced audio coding format, 2019. Commons, Complaint for violation of the computer fraud and abuse act, 2016.Ī. Jajodia, Blog or block: Detecting blog bots through behavioral biometrics, Computer Networks, vol. bypass recaptcha, funcaptcha, image captcha, 2018. Thomas, Picasso: Lightweight device class fingerprinting for web clients, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices, pp. Levin, uncaptcha: a low-resource defeat of recaptcha's audio challenge, Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Conference on Offensive Technologies. Bernard, Web scraping and crawling are perfectly legal, right?, 2018. Dikaiakos, Real-time web crawler detection, Telecommunications (ICT), 2011 18th International Conference on, pp. Mcgrew, Os fingerprinting: New techniques and a study of information gain and obfuscation, 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), pp. Van-oorschot, Device fingerprinting for augmenting web authentication: classification and analysis of methods, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications, pp. Gürses et al., Fpdetective: dusting the web for fingerprinters, Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications security, pp. , Online captcha solving and image recognition service, 2018.

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, Date.getTimezoneOffset, 2) SVGTextContentElement.getComputedTextLength REFERENCES , createOffer, 2) createAnswer, 3) setLocalDescription , toDataURL, 2) toBlob, 3) getImageData, 4) getLineDash, 5) measureText, 6) isPointInPath , getParameter, 2) getSupportedExtensions, 3) getContextAttributes, 4) getShaderPrecisionFormat, 5) getExtension, 6) readPixels, 7) getUniformLocation , 2) createOscillator, 3) createGain, 4) createScriptProcessor, 5) createDynamicsCompressor, 6) copyFromChannel, 7) getChannelData, 8) getFloatFrequencyData, 9) getByteFrequencyData Activexobject, 2) webdriver, 3) domAutomation, 4) domAutomationController, 5) callPhantom, 6) spawn, 7) emit, 8) Buffer, 9) awesomium , 2) height, 3) availWidth, 4) availHeight, 5) availTop, 6) availLeft, 7) colorDepth, 8) pixelDepth

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